An Unexpected Visit

      What a surprise one busy, hectic harvest day when I received an unexpected phone call (on my cell phone, I never give out my cell phone number!) from Yung Chan, a world renowned cinematographer.  He said that he was working with National Geographic on a piece about water conservation and wanted to know if he and his crew could "drop by" later that day.  Knock me over!  I immediately began thinking of all the unfinished work around me, the weeds, the projects that were undone, the big dreams of having everything in order.  How could I have my farm filmed so unexpectedly and without any notice?  We were preparing to make our share deliveries the following day and so my  crew and I were very busy trying to prepare the harvest.  Of all the days for my husband Monte to be out of town!  No time, no help, but how do you turn down a chance like that?  I swallowed my pride and consented for the visit.  What a wonderful experience we had!   The film crew were not only pleasant and polite, they were just a lot of fun.   The cameras were out literally as their feet hit the ground.  We ended up spending the entire afternoon visiting with them as they took literally thousands of shots and hours of video of our little operation.  We were feeling pretty special by time they drove away.  (Monte showed up on the scene 10 minutes after they left.  What can you do?)  Anyway, here is the clip.

To see our farm on a short National Geographic documentary go to this link: